Contact Us
Customer Care
For questions about your account, placing an order, getting help with an existing order, or any feedback, contact our Customer Care team (24/7 availability) at 866-ATG-TOGO (866-284-8646) or email customerservice@americatogo.com
Institutional Solutions
For information about our institutional services or setting up an institutional account, contact us at 212-398-3500 x4216 or email solutions@americatogo.com
Restaurant & Caterer Services
To join the America To Go catering network, email atgpartners@americatogo.com
For questions about a bill or statement, contact our accounting group at 212-790-9587 or email accounting@americatogo.com
New Business and Partnerships
To discuss new business opportunities with America To Go, contact our business development team at 212-398-3500 x4216 or email busdev@americatogo.com